Dropbox and Filelocker

We will be deprecating the ITS-provided Dropbox and Filelocker services.

Dropbox is a service that was designed and written by UConn to enable large file sharing.  You can upload large files to the service and then email your intended recipient a link to the content for downloading.  Filelocker is an open source temporary file storage system that also facilitates secure file sharing.  There are differences between these two niche services, but they are also used to meet the same challenges.  The functionality of both Dropbox and Filelocker is delivered more securely and robustly by OneDrive, which is a contemporary file storage solution delivered as part of our larger Microsoft enterprise agreement.  Vendor provided and supported products are better long-term approaches for predictably meeting community needs, and OneDrive is well aligned with the ITS strategy for individual storage and sharing.

We have tentatively scheduled the formal retirement of Dropbox for this summer and Filelocker this fall.  ITS will communicate broadly to support and facilitate individual transitions from these legacy services to OneDrive.  Additional information about OneDrive is available on the Knowledge Base.