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Posted on by Mattingly, Ashley
ITS sends out message to our IT Contacts list. This list is made up of two distribution groups – IT Professionals and IT Stakeholders.
The Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer oversees the operation of UConn’s Information Technology Services (ITS). As the provider of central technology and computing services, ITS is responsible for deploying, managing, and maintaining IT systems, services, and capabilities in support of research, teaching, learning, and outreach. The Vice President and CIO provides leadership and strategic direction that guide fulfillment of this mission.
ITS Communications
IT Strategic Plan
Read the 2014 IT Strategic Plan, our vision for advancing IT at UConn and supporting the University's core missions.
Communication Archive
View the news and announcements we send to our community about new developments and improvements to central IT.
IT All Staff Meetings
Present your IT accomplishments and updates at an All IT Staff Meeting.
CIO Publications
Read publications that the CIO has written as a way to share the philosophy behind our decision-making