Partnership to Deliver Survey Capability

The University needed a way to collect, analyze, and act on large amounts of health-related data so that students could return. This initiative required tight collaboration among ITS, Student Health and Wellness (SHaW), and Student Affairs IT (SAIT).  ITS identified a solution provided by Qualtrics, an industry leader for survey software that specializes in capturing event-driven, actionable data from people, and we coordinated the technical implementation and integrations.  SHaW determined the content of the surveys and information they needed to quickly and effectively address cases, and SAIT assisted with medical records integration.  Through this partnership, we were able to effectively deliver essential health attestation and contact tracing survey capability in mere weeks.

The Qualtrics platform is a generic framework that, with proper configuration and integration, can be used for other data collection needs.  If you have a community challenge that might be assessed and managed using this service, please do not hesitate to contact Gil Milone ( for more information.