Slate for Student Success

ITS is implementing the student success solution from Technolutions’ Slate.

The University currently uses Slate to support admissions and manage communications with applicants and their families.  This consists of a base environment and an admissions-centric module that is developed and supported by Technolutions.  We received feedback from other departments that a communication platform to better engage with students from matriculation through graduation was attractive.  Since many were already familiar with Slate, ITS purchased the student success solution; this is another module that executes within the base slate environment.

The new module is secondary to Slate’s primary position in the market, which is and has historically been centered around admissions.  It is less comprehensive out of the box and will require judicious choices and local development.  We are currently working with multiple units to gather and assess technical requirements so that Slate can support existing functions, such as the Scholastic Standing process, in concert with other activities.  As with any enterprise-level software implementation, we must appropriately balance enhancement requests against sustainability, security, and privacy considerations.  Our goal is to provide faculty and staff with an effective and safe environment to coordinate, manage, and track communications in support of the best practical student outcomes.

We will continue to provide updates on this project as it progresses.