Discount on IT Products for Personal Use

UConn faculty, staff, and students may purchase IT products for personal use at discounted prices.

UConn has a contract with Connection (formerly GovConnection) that enables the University to buy devices (e.g., Apple computers, iPads, Dell laptops) and peripherals at discounted prices.  While this contract pricing was previously only available for university-purchased products, it has been extended to faculty, staff, and student’s personal, non-UConn purchases.  You access the full catalog by creating an account on Connection’s UConn page (  Detailed instructions are available on the Knowledge Base.

The University also has a product and support contract with Dell.  Through this partnership, our community may participate in the Dell Member Purchase Program (MPP).  You validate your eligibility on the MPP portal page with your address.  Dell will email you a coupon for personal purchases.  Visit the Knowledge Base for detailed instructions.