Changes to Scantron Service

The Scantron exam scanning service will be modified.

The Scantron service scores exams completed on machine-readable bubble sheets and returns the results and other associated data electronically to the instructor.  The scanner and support staff are currently located in the Gant Science Complex.  Ongoing renovations in the building have hindered accessibility, and key retirements have caused noticeable gaps in staff support.  Modified procedures and updated support documentation did not fully address all issues and, in response to community feedback, ITS will relocate the service to Homer Babbidge Library over spring break.  There will be two drop boxes in the library, and the actual scanning will be performed on-site in the sub-basement.  Support will be provided from the ITS Help Center desk on the first floor.  This offers a centralized, convenient, well-staffed location to facilitate drop-offs, consultation, and requested pickups.  We will notify the community broadly before implementing these changes.