IT Systems Status and Alerts

Our frontline source for reporting up-to-date information about central systems is the IT Systems Status siteIn addition to an emphasis on the status of central systems (e.g., Aurora, email, HuskyCT, Student Admin, and wireless), the site provides helpful links to other resources such as a calendar of planned changes and the ITS Help Center.  The status site reflects current and up-to-date information, but our analytics suggest a lower number of visits than we would expect.  This signals to us that we should pursue additional communication mechanisms.  While we will certainly maintain the IT Systems Status site – and encourage our community to check there first – we will begin to push out notifications via the MyUConn mobile app and the ITS Twitter and Facebook accounts for outages and service disruptions that impact the majority of the UConn community.  We also welcome your feedback on alternate communication strategies that might best reach your constituents.