P: drive expansion

ITS has expanded the available storage space on personal (P:) drives.Personal drives are provided to all faculty, staff, and students for private file storage and are accessible from any university computer on the university network.  The maximum amount of storage available was 10 gigabytes (GB) per individual.  We have received feedback that this was not adequate, and in response, we are changing the service.  As of today, the default storage capacity is 50 GB for each individual.  Our role is to enable effective use of technology at the university and supporting individual productivity is a key goal in the ITS strategic plan.  We understand that while a more generous quota is helpful for many, it cannot practically accommodate everybody.  We are happy to grant additional quota increases in 50 GB increments for individuals with larger needs.  To submit a request, contact the ITS Help Center at helpcenter@uconn.edu.